The John Cotton Group is committed to meeting our customers’ expectations and recognises its responsibility to protect the environment. This statement is issued as a commitment to
minimising the environmental impact of its operations.

We will work towards achieving 15014001 by improving and promoting the highest level of sustainability within our business, improving the environmental impact of our business activities, and complying with all applicable legislative requirements.

We will achieve this by:

  • Minimising the consumption of natural resources and energy whenever practical and reducing our Carbon Footprint towards a Net Zero target in 204O;
  • Reducing the creation of waste within our operations and adopting the principle of reusing, recycling and recovering any waste generated to achieve zero-landfill;
  • Ensuring any effluent is disposed of in a safe and responsible manner; investing in the development of new products and processes that reduce our impact
    on the environment
  • Communicating our key business measures and ensuring their review and communication at regular intervals;
  • Raising awareness, providing training and supporting staff to work in an environmentally responsible manner;
  • Promoting our environmental objectives to partners and suppliers and working with them to share our vision and adopt our working practices;
  • Working with our supply chain to develop products that support the recycling, re-use and reduction of materials and processes;
  • Demonstrating our commitment to the protection of the environment, minimising pollution, and complying with all relevant statutory obligations and industry best practices as appropriate; and
  • Ensuring our customers, stakeholders and local communities understand our environmental issues in the context of our business.

Date: 22/5/24
Signed: Nick Manning Group CEO