John Cotton Group Ltd (JCG) is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, visitors and all other persons who may be affected by Group activities.
This policy statement is prepared as part of the overall commitment to managing health & safety made by JCG. Health & safety is a core value at John Cotton Group, and the effective management of health and safety is an integral and ongoing focus for the business.

JCG is committed to:

  • The prevention of injury and ill-health from its activities through the elimination of hazards and reduction of occupational health and safety risk.
  • Ensuring that all relevant statutory obligations are met in the countries and jurisdictions in which they operate (UK, EU and Australia).
  • Providing the resources to deliver effective health & safety management across all JCG operations.
  • Delivering “continuous improvement” in health & safety performance and measuring its effectiveness against agreed targets and objectives.
  • Engaging with our employees and their representatives to develop competency through communication, consultation, and appropriate training.
  • Maintaining and implementing an effective health & safety management system.
  • Creating a positive health & safety culture through visible felt leadership.
  • Promoting a culture whereby all employees are responsible and accountable for their own health & safety and that of their work colleagues.
  • Reviewing and updating the health & safety policy annually and as necessary in the event of changes to the organisational structure, working practices or statutory obligations.
  • The prevention of accidents, injury and unsafe conditions requires commitment from personnel at every level within the organisation. lt is expected that all employees, visitors, suppliers, and contractors act responsibly to mitigate risk and prevent incidents involving themselves and others.

Date: 1/06/23

Signed: Nick Manning, Group CEO